74HC595 Shift Register Control | AVR Tutorial


Want to control those fancy 7-segment LEDs but tight on i/o pins? Why not use the 74HC595 serial in/parallel out 8-bit shift register! This tutorial shows you the basic principles of how the useful IC works, and some example code that includes cycling through the digits of a 7-seg LED display, as well as your very own voltmeter (0-5v, rounds to the nearest volt)! LINK TO DOWNLOAD CODE: http://www.4shared.com/zip/3JSWyiuy/74HC595_include_file_and_voltm.html? My Twitter: https://twitter.com/000Plasma000 My Tumblr: http://nanohex.tumblr.com/

Published by: 000Plasma000 Published at: 11 years ago Category: علمی و تکنولوژی